Foreign companies promotion in the Russian market
Sales and marketing strategies elaboration and their introduction into the market

SEVER CAPITAL is a dynamically developing law company in the market of the consulting service for foreign and Russian business as well as for individuals. The list of the questions that our specialists successfully solve is widespread: consulting in such fields as civil law, corporate law, criminal law, taxes and audit (tax audit), arbitration, civil and criminal trials. Our mission is to attain to general goals in building your business in Russian Federation from the legal entity’s registering including subsidiary companies, branches and representative offices organization, establishing long term business relations and providing accounting service for both: Russian and foreign companies.
We also achieve particular goals such as following the projects on terms of public-private partnership (PPP), due diligence and offering resistance to a dishonest liquidation. Founded under the SEVER CAPITAL JSC constantly functioning arbitration tribunal (North-Western circuit arbitration court) supplements our service and favours the potential to grant stronger legal protection to our clients in the attractive and at the same time complicated Russian market.
Individuals are also part of SEVER CAPITAL company’s concern and thus are provided with a protection of their rights and legitimate interests in the field of criminal, tax, family, labour and insurance law, as well as finding solution in specialized questions such as housing terms (housing and public utilities), realty, consumer and motorist protection (rendering a legal assistance to motorists).